This Clement World, a new performance by Cynthia Hopkins and her collaborators, poetically but urgently addresses global climate change. Enjoyed through the prism of Hopkins’ “delicate and emotionally forceful” voice (NY Times), this eclectic concert will also feature a retrospective of songs from previous works including Hopkins’ seminal epic, the Accidental Trilogy: Accidental Nostalgia, Must Don’t Whip ‘Um and The Success of Failure (or, The Failure of Success).
This Clement World is commissioned by St. Ann’s Warehouse, Walker Art Center and Les Subsistances; with residencies provided by Yaddo and MacDowell Colony and an Arctic expedition provided by Cape Farewell.
Supported by Adam E. Max; The MAP Fund, A program of Creative Capital, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; The Jerome Foundation; Eleanor Alper; Warren Habib; and Jony Perez
Photo Credit: Jeff Sugg
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